Childrens University

Passports have been given out this week for Children’s University and many of the children have heard about how the scheme will operate. This is now a fully funded activity scheme which will result in full graduations during the Summer term with transport provided as part of it. Further information can be found here. You can add out of school clubs your children are part of to the learning destinations by letting your child’s class teacher or the office know that the club need adding.

Another change under the new management of Children’s University is that all children in F2-Y6 who are able to graduate will be invited to the graduation ceremony held at the hub in Doncaster.

If you have any questions please ask your child’s class teacher who will find out your answer if they can’t respond directly.


  1. Rebecca Scorer

    Will Children in reception receive a passport or is it only for year 1 and upwards?

    • Reception children will receive one this week – officially the launch is for 5 year olds and upwards so we have been awaiting clarification for reception children which has been received today.
      Hopefully all will come home with one tomorrow.

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