Phase 3 Phonics

This week we have recapped the phase 3 digraphs we already know. Next week we will continue to learn even more digraph sounds! We will be learning to spot these in words and we will be learning how to write words containing these sounds.

Sounds we know: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh th

Next we will learn: ng, ai, ee, igh

Home Learning: Can you spot any of these sounds in words? This could be in your reading book, on signs or in words written by your parents. If you share you learning with us you will receive 10 hps. Comment on the blog or in your homework diaries to receive your house points!

  1. Robyn has been practising the th, sh and ch sounds at home. She spotted th quite a few times in her reading books in words such as they and there. We also found the ng sound in the words swimming and paddling. Robyn has also been telling me about the ee and oo sounds.

  2. Rukseyaa practiced th ch sh qu EE ng
    She reads queen three strong chair shoe chip few words from reading books other I wrote for her.

  3. Etta has been practising these sounds tonight in her reading books . Afterwards we talked about words starting with th and she knew Thea , Theo and thief , we also talked about sh and she knew sheep Shaun shush she shoe , she knows the sound oo is in look book and poo !

    • Well done Etta! Mrs Cook will add your housepoints on Monday!!

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